
Alien Star Dust: immersive experience of ‘Star Dust’ through sound, installation and online meditation
Art, Binaural, Events, Global, Healing, Immersive, Music, Vocals by Rhiannon
Purpose Earth: Inspiring Creative solutions to our environmental & social challenges
Art, Creative Directed by Rhiannon, Culture, Events, Global, Media, Music, Peace & Unity, YouthWatch Purpose Earth, the acclaimed 3 hour deeply inspiring interdisciplinary program created jointly by the Global Purpose Movement and Unity Earth, Creative Directed and Co-Produced by Rhiannon Catalyst.
This event helped connect…

Unity Earth Liftoff
Art, Creative Directed by Rhiannon Catalyst, Culture, Events, Global, Music, Peace & UnityA multigenerational, intercultural, interactive concert and broadcast at the historic United Palace in New York, celebrating the diversity of our human family in a spirit of unity during UN World Interfaith Harmony Week 2019 Creative Directed…